Ejikeme Blaise Picture
Blaise Ejikeme


Coulture is a project that helps users live their live to fullness via staying current to latest development in movie industry, bitcoin market capitalization and great wallpaper. The website is highly responsive and unit testing was written with Jasmine Framework. This site interacts with multiple APIs using async JS.

Project Image

Project Overview

This is an incredible project which I created out of my desire to make clients want to come back for more. This project was inspired by my dream for easiness of having a rich screensaver/wallpaper which a user can change at anytime depending on his multiple preference via refreshing the site at ease which most sites don't have. It also has a movielist link to allow clients have enrich access to multiple of movies to watch in the future. The user can search the movie via our search button, select and add the movie to their watchlists which will be saved to their devices and they can equally delete the movies whenever they want to. Jasmine Framework was used for testing the codes. Stacks used are JavaScript, CSS, HTML, APIs, Jasmine. For more documented information about Coulture, kindly check out this the README file on github

Tools Used

Jasmine Framework